Monday, November 3, 2008

Just Another Life~~~

Life is full of surprises...
Thing will come in a way you less expected it...
Then it goes away in the exact same way...
Still life goes on... With or without anyone or anything...
As long as I had gave all my heart and effort for it...
No regret to me even it had to be ended this way...
At least I had learn to grieve less for the thing I lost...
While appreciate more on those thing I owned...

Life is tough... Life is tiring...
But that's just life...

陈奕迅 - 路,一直都在

穿过人潮双眼灯火栏栅 没有想过回头
一段又一段走不完的旅程 什么时候能走完
噢 我的 梦代表什么 又是什么让我们不安

That's just life 寻找梦里的未来
That's just life 少点现实的无奈
不论风吹的时候 不再傍徨的时候
永远向前 路一直都在

穿过一块里面一片黑暗 没有想过回头
一段又一段走不完的旅程 什么时候能习惯
噢 我的 梦代表什么 又是什么让我们期盼

That's just life 寻找梦里的未来
That's just life 少点现实的无奈
不论风吹的时候 不在傍徨的时候
永远向前 路一直都在

看不清的路又算什么 看不清的梦又算什么
就算走到尽头又能算什么 能算什么

That's just life 寻找梦里的未来
That's just life 少点现实的无奈
不论风吹的时候 不再傍徨的时候
永远向前 路一直都在

That's just life 徘徊到不再徘徊
That's just life 从来都不怕重来
没有选择的时候 无论选择的时候
永远向前 路一直都在


Anonymous said...

You still got me ma.. We are always be with you one...

Anonymous said...

and you also got keone.