Monday, July 7, 2008

Just Another Body Step Class~~~

If you think this is just another usual gym routine of mine... You are wrong...
I got Sampat with me today in Body Step class... ^^...
So nice that I have her with me today...
It was kind of boring to do gym alone you know...
Anyway felt kind of sorry for her as she was like don't know what to do since it was her first class...
But I just can't help much except trying to concentrate and did my step correctly so that she can imitate...
Anyway... Good to know that she like the class... ^^...

Other than I think Sampat will enjoy Body Step and also to get a companion in the class...
One more reason that I asked Sampat to join the class was because I can take a ride back with her motorcycle after the class...
You know so lazy to walk all the way back home after two hours gym sessions... T_T...
Thanks a lot yah Sampat...
Next time I treat you KFC... ^^...

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