Thursday, May 15, 2008

Just Another Life That She Killed~~~ T_T~~~

The story started two or three months back perhaps...
When RuHua and I went for our company Go Green campaign launch...
And we had been pursued to donate for some environmental organization by buying a pot of small plant...
Since the plant look so cute and it just match as a decoration for my boring little cubicle...
RuHua and I bought one respectively...
Two little pots of small plant which both of them was almost identical...

Up till today... I alraedy moved my little plant from my office to my room...
And that's how it looks like...

While RuHua plant still remained in the office...
And it looks like this... T_T...

I am seriously don't know what she had done to that poor thing...
But she was gaving up on it and gave it to me to take care of that poor little thing that she have just killed until almost half death...
I hope I really have the green fingers to do the wonder and turn it back to life... T_T...


iamlz said...

Dun cry dun cry..put more love and it will grow! =)
First time here! Impressed by the sky photo of ur previous post!

K3ViN said...

wah this really need alot of care n love in order 2 make it grow back......

Keone said...

money plant is like the easiest plant to grow after weed, it's a serious business she took it to the death row...
my office one grows until 10 feet long~! I'll show you picture next time..